A downloadable game for Windows

Little Description : 

This game is a metroidvania where the player explores a castle and has to find the way out. However, traps and monsters are there to prevent him from doing so.

Control :

Using a controller to get the best experience

Move : Right Left keyboard, Left

Attack : Keyboard C, Gamepad X

Jump : Keyboard X, Gamepad A 

Cross a platform : Down and Keybaord Z or Gamepad A

Show Mini Map : Keyboard M, Gamepad Menu

Code and Level Design : IronPowerTGA

Music and Sfx :  Ominous Pigeon Master

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsIronPowerTGA, Ominous Pigeon Master
TagsMetroidvania, Pixel Art


Castle of Fate 0.3.zip 3.6 MB


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good game, ends rather abruptly though


C'est magnifique, le décor, la musique, les perso, les animations, le gameplay aussi, franchement bravo.

PS : peut être rajouter de la vie à prendre en chemin quand on n'en perd.


Excellent, j'adore... un peu difficile au clavier le temps de s'habituer, mais je sens que je vais bien m'amuser :-) 

