Pac-Frog (Pac-Man + Frogger)
A downloadable Pac-Frog for Windows
Game : created for the 8 Bits to infinity Game jam
Theme : create a prototype combining mechanics from two classic card, arcade, or board games.
I choose to make game with Pac-man and Frogger gameplay.
How to play : awsd or azsd
Thank you for playing have fun. Rate the game and comment if you like ;) and right your best score in comment. (My best score : 369)
Special thanks to Arnkil for all the graphics.
BEST PLAYER : Ouranos16 633 points
new window resolution : 1200 / 700
PacFrog 1.2.zip 3 MB
Install instructions
How to Install : In first unzip the project and go to PacFrog folder and then go to release folder and execute PacFrog.exe. And have fun ;). (if you want delete the save, go in the project and delete save.ah)
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Quite hard, but with a little train, it is easy to finish the first level. (The final picture is amazing)
Thank's ;)
Watch 8 Bits to Infinity ~ Mashup Jam Feedback Part 1/2 from MrJoshuaMcLean on www.twitch.tv
Thank's you very much. I will add fullscreen ;) and show score in game ;)
Nice implementation of the theme but damn, it's super hard!
Thank's yes it's hard ;)
nice mash up. It makes sense, the "gutter space" used for the other game clever! some ideas: add more roads intertwining IN the pacman level too- like extend highways through over and under the pacman board! also i didnt notice is there a jump to the other side (like in original pacman you can come out the other side) that may work well too. Keep up nice work.
Thank's you for your comment. I'm taking your advice.
great keep me posted!
Cool game :) I like the combination ! I found it a bit too hard for me though. Also, maybe you could rotate the player to face his movement direction (for up and down )
Thank's you for you comment. Yes it hard for me too ;)